Dimitri Caruso's Recent Blogs
My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.
Date: Sep 28th @ 11:06pm EDT
im back here!!
Date: Sep 18th @ 5:35pm EDT
today i reflex about the meaning of grateful and how much important is in life, thanks to life is an other wonderful day to share happiness to the world and great energy
Jesus already said it, he speaks in parables so as not to reveal the secrets of the kingdom of heaven to everyone.
Date: Aug 18th @ 4:22pm EDT
Ya lo dijo Jesus, habla en parabolas para no revelar los secretos del reino de los cielos a todos
Having an insecure person as a partner does not help you build an empire but destroys it
Date: Aug 16th @ 3:03pm EDT
tener como pareja a una persona insegura no te ayuda a construir un imperio sino que lo destruye
Yo soy el único responsable (vuélvelo a leer)
Date: Mar 3rd @ 3:34pm EST
I am the only one responsible (read again)
Tu pareja y a quien escuchas forman las decisiones más importantes que tomarás en tu vida, escoge sabiamente
Date: Mar 3rd @ 3:13pm EST
Your partner and who you listen to are the most important decisions you will make in your life, choose wisely
No te rodees de nadie que no te gustaría ser
Date: Mar 3rd @ 2:09pm EST
Don't surround yourself with anyone you wouldn't like to be.
Los obstáculos del camino hacen el camino
Date: Feb 25th @ 9:31pm EST
The obstacles of the road are the ones that make the road
Date: Dec 20th @ 1:07pm EST
We all have a winner inside, the important thing is that we see life through the eyes of the winner inside us.
Todos tenemos a un ganador dentro, lo importante es que veamos la vida desde los ojos del ganador que llevamos dentro
Date: Nov 8th @ 10:22am EST
El dinero puede usarse para el bien o para el mal pero si uno carece de dinero carece en consecuencia de la capacidad de hacer el bien con el